General Clinical Intern Information
Praxis Score are due by the published deadline.
Contact the district regarding paperwork and cooperating teacher regarding planning for the next semester.
Students who are in Clinical I DO NOT need to apply for Clinical II. Clinical placements will roll over into the subsequent semester unless otherwise noted.
Please contact with any questions or concerns about the application process.
Any questions about eligibility for placement and program completion should be directed to your faculty advisor.
Tasks for Clinical 1: CCI Final and the Disposition
Tasks for Clinical 2: CCI Mid-Term, CCI Final, Disposition, and the Exit Survey
ASSESSMENT ACCESS: Once a supervisor and cooperating teacher completes assessments including the OCR, CCI, and Disposition, the intern will be able to view the results. To view those results, follow these steps...
Log in to Chalk & Wire.
From the menu on the left, select "Experiential Learning."
Click on the row with details regarding your placement.
Select "View."
Scroll down to view "Assessments" and "Surveys."
For completed assessments, the two far right columns will have both a submission date and score.
Click on the specific assessment to view the details.
In the pre-service application of knowledge, skills, and dispositions, the College of Education measures content and pedagogical knowledge using a variety of assessment tools, including the Clinical Competency Inventory (CCI) which is used during Clinical Practice I and II. This performance-based assessment tool measures key competencies aligned to the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Model Core Teaching Standards and the New Jersey Professional Standards for Teaching (NJPST). The CCI is completed by the assigned clinical educators (field supervisors and cooperating teachers) as well as the candidate as a self-assessment. Mean scores across three semesters, disaggregated by InTASC/NJPST category are provided in the Clinical Competency Inventory (CCI) summary report to demonstrate our aspiring educator’s performance in the field.
To learn more about Student Placement and Clinical Experiences, please visit: