OCR & CCI Trainings and Additional Resources

WITH Audio FINAL Clinical Competency Inventory (CCI) Overview

The Clinical Competency Inventory (CCI) overview will provide detailed information about what is included in the report you will fill out for your clinical intern. The slides presented here can be accessed by clicking the upper right hand corner to pop out the presentation.  From there you can scroll through the slides just as you would with google or powerpoint presentations.

WITH Audio FINAL Observation_Conference Report (OCR) Overview 3.4

The Observation and Conference Report (OCR) overview will provide detailed information about what is included in the report you will fill out for your clinical intern with each of the site visit observations. The slides presented here can be accessed by clicking the upper right hand corner to pop out the presentation.  From there you can scroll through the slides just as you would with google or powerpoint presentations.


Opening Documents Checklist

This ppt will allow all supervisors, cooperating teachers, and interns to be on the same page to start off the semester.  The items listed in the slides are all required to be discussed at the opening meeting.  This can also be a great resource to refer to if anything is forgotten after time passes through the semester.